
Unexpected Saga-Drabyss Hunt: Part 2

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As the nigh approached the five took turns sleeping, Allister and Jin took the first 4 hours of guard duty while Raphael, Claire, and Hikari slept.

"You sure are brave, you know that kid?" Jin said a bit intoxicated.
"Uh were you drinking liquor this whole time?" Allister asks.
"Don't worry about it, I'm done for now, and I'm not completely drunk" Jin says looking aloof despite being intoxicated.
As they continued their watch a rustling could be heard around them, Allister then took a torch and looked around lighting the area around him to make sure no one was around.
"Guess it was the wind" Allister says as he relaxes himself. Jin on the other hand steps out a bit.
"I know you're here, show yourself!" Jin says as footsteps can be heard.

"A dying man and a couple of brats, all trying to take what's ours eh? Sorry but were not going for that"  A male voice says as a man with messy medium length hair and a mask on the lower half of his face steps forward.
"I thought we might run into a problem here" Jin says raising his weapon to the ready.
"You don't say? This IS just me and my group's territory" The man says as two more figure approach.
"Can we just kill em' already boss?" A female voice says.
"Yeah boss" A male voice follows.
"Sadira, Jaxson, calm yourselves. We need to introduce ourselves first for the younger one of course. My name is Rek and were the Rek'm Outlaws, the toughest and largest mercenary group this side of Narencia. We just came by to clear out anyone stupid enough to take on the mayor's request so we can do it ourselves tomorrow" The man says as Allister grabs his sword.
"I don't care who you are, we were here first!" Allister says already in stance.
"Well kid, if you don't wake one of your friends up you'll be outnumbered. You sure about this?" Rek says as he rolls up his sleeves and chains fall from them.
"Hah, no need to worry, I'm worth two people at least" Allister says as he charges straight at Rek.

Rek prepares for Allister's attack and blocks it before slashing mercilessly at him with his chains.
Meanwhile the other two attack Jin who raises his War Axe and slashes them both away.
"I've been fighting almost all my life, a couple of ruffians like you wont be much of a match for me" Jin says as he raises his war axe in the air and a glowing energy engulfs it. The two regain their footing and attack Jin again this time his strikes are more powerful and the two have a hard time defending.

Rek has wore down Allister who had to jump back to take a breather.
"Give it up kid, I'm much better than you" Rek says as he spins the chains around to show off.
"I don't give up that easily, Terra Spin!" Allister says as he throws his sword at Rek and spins viciously towards him. Rek dodges to the left and then tosses his chains at Allister tripping him and sending him to the ground. His sword disappears and Rek walks over to him.
"I'll make this quick kid!" Rek says as he prepares to strike Allister down when his arms begin to become encased in ice.
"What the hell!" Rek said as he tried to free his arms but to no avail.
"I would ask that you leave my comrades alone" A familiar, calm, child-like voice says.
"Where the hell are you? I'll kill you!" Rek says continuing to struggle as he looks around to not find the source of the voice.
"This is your last warning" The voice says as the ice starts to travel up Rek's arm.
"Alright, alright j-just let me go!" Rek says.
"Very well" The voice says as the ice starts to melt away and Rek's arm are freed.
"Come on you two, let's go. Don't think this is over though!" Rek says as his followers obey and the three run off.

As the three run, Jin helps Allister up and dusts him off.
"You okay kid?" Jin asks as Allister nods to say 'yes'.
"Just what the hell happened?" Jin questioned.
"It sounded like Raphael talking.....but he was asleep...right?" Allister said puzzled.
They look over at Raphael who is indeed asleep and then back at each other.
"That's one good kid if he can do that while asleep" Jin says as he laughs.
They stay awake until midnight where Hikari and Raphael take over guard.
The time from then until sunrise goes on uneventful, as the time grew closer to the appearance of the Drabyss.

As the time went by the whole group woke up and readied their weapons, making last minute preparations for the battle ahead.
"Remember, the drabyss is called that because it's said it can brings it's enemies into the abyss itself." Hikari said, in fact being very knowledgeable about their prey.
"Where would we be without you?" Claire says smiling as she sharpens her blades.
"Heh" Hikari says as she smiles and readjusts her glasses.
Suddenly thunder could be heard as it began to rain.
"This must be a sign, everyone get ready" Jin said as he grabbed his War Axe and headed away from the tree they were under to get a better look.
As if on cue the flapping of wings could be heard as a dark purple creature descended to the ground and landed with a loud roar.

"Read yourselves to fight guys!" Claire yelled as the rest took their positions with Hikari staying under the trees and Raphael moving to the side while Allister and Claire stood beside Jin.
The Drabyss then roars again before swiping at the three throwing a gust of wind at them to intimidate them.
"I'll take the first hit, you guys follow after" Jin says as he grasps his war axe and charges at the Drabyss, all the while gathering a white aura around him. As he strike the Drabyss, the creature reels back a bit at the force of his strike as the aura begins to engulf its arm where the axe hit.
"I've honed Aura techniques for 20 years, all for this!" Jin yells as he motions with his left arm to the other two to attack.
"Alright, Terra Slam!" Allister yells as he lunges at the Drabyss and brings his sword down on its other arm.
"I'll make Aria proud!" Claire yells as she runs and disappears before reappearing behind the Drabyss and strikes its tail.
At this the Drabyss roar again before putting out a blast of dark energy that sends the three flying in all directions.

As the three regain their footing, a bolt fires at the Drabyss that sticks into its right wing. As it flails about trying to shake it off, Allister charges forward again for another strike, this time at it's left wing. Realizing its predicament the Drabyss prepares to fly but as it begins to lift off the ground the bolt explodes hurting it's wing and bringing it back down to the ground.
"Charge!" Jin yells as he, Allister, and Claire begin to strike at the creature repeatedly eventually severing its other wing.
The creature regains its composure and let's off another explosion of dark energy sending them flying away again. Then suddenly it begins to gather dark energy in it's arms.
"Raphael be on the ready!" Hikari yells at Rapahel whom nods and focuses his energy.
The other three circle the creature waiting for it to release the energy.
As the Drabyss does it sends the energy flying in a large orb that begins to suck everything into it, Rapahel then yells "LIGHT!" as a light energy begins to engulf the orb and reduce it to nothing but a small speck. The Drabyss then roars again this time it looks around to get a sense of how it can escape. Suddenly Jin catches it off guard and jumps at it's head again with aura surrounding him.
" farewell beast!" Jin says as he slashes at the Drabyss' head and the blade sticks itself in the top as the aura begins to eat away the head. The aura then spreads to the rest of the body as Jin puts all his energy into the axe.
"BEGOOOOONE!" He screams as the eventually the entire creature is engulfed the whole thing disappearing but the severed wing.
Jin then falls to the ground as the other four run up to him.

"Jin!" They all yell as Raphael checks his pulse.
".....I think he used all his life energy.....he may be.." Raphael says as Claire interrupts.
"Nooo! I'm not losing anyone else...can't you help him?" Claire asks as the others huddle around them silently.
After a moment of hesitation Raphael seems to nod in agreement at something before putting his hands on Jin's chest.
A glow happens as the rest sit and wait, as Raphael finished he gets up and motions the others to the severed Drabyss wing.
"How are we going to get this back to the city?" He asked as the others looked at him puzzled.
"Who cares about that is the old man going to be okay?" Allister says as a rustling can be heard from behind him.
"I...I'm....fine...."The voice said as they all looked to see Jin trying to pull himself up.
"Don't tire yourself, we'll help you back to the city and get you some medial attention" Hikari says.
"You....are good kids...haha" Jin says as he lays himself back down on the ground.

"Well, well, well you kids actually did it. What a surprise...." A voice says from behind as the four turn around to see Rek and the two from last night.
"You guys again, dammit we don't need this!" Allister yells as the others look confused.
"I'll tell you kiddies what, we'll let you all go about your business if you let us take the wing with us" Rek says as the other two begin to grin.
"Hell no we did thi..." Allister begins as Claire stops him.
"We accept" She says as the others look at her with surprise.
"Jin needs help and we can't afford to fight them and put him in more danger. Just let us take him away and you can take the wing" Claire says.
"Alrighty then, you heard er' Jaxson carry the wing for us will ya?" Rek says as he motions the large male with him toward the wing.
As he picks it up and the three leave Rek says one more thing
"Oh and don't follow us to Narencia, go off the path to the smaller town of Kadia alright? Or will kill you next time we see you"

The three then leave, laughing, as Allister helps Jin up and props him on his shoulder.
"Hikari, how far is Kadia from here" Claire asks.
"A bit farther than Narencia, but to the west" Hikari says as Claire then pulls out a compass and then motions the others to follow her.

As the group make their way into a small town, they get strange looks from citizens yet again. However one of them stops the group.
"Are you all in need of the clinic? It's just down the road to the left" The woman says pointing to an area. Claire thanks her as the group make their way as instructed.

In the clinic they are told Jin is just extremely exhausted and needs rest, so they let him stay there for the night while they stay at an inn.
The next morning they go to see Jin who is now somewhat recovered.
"Boy you kids are miracle workers, I didn't think you had a healer with you" Jin says grinning and taking a sip of water.
" was complicated" Raphael says as the others look at him a bit confused.
"It's okay kid if you can't tell us, then you just can't" Jin says reading Rahpael's expression who nods back at him.
"Still...that's a dirty play those Rek'm mercs played, though I'm sure you could've taken them" Jin says.
"I don't want to lose another person, I WONT allow that to happen" Claire says with a determined look on her face.
"Heh, you're one heck of a girl I'll say that, that Aria character you were talking about ought to be proud"  Jin says giving a small smile.
The room then goes silent for a while when Allister breaks the silence.
"What will you do now though?"
"Well kid....I've taken a liking to you all and well.....I know you're mercenaries. Maybe I could travel with you guys for a while?" Jin says.
"Of course!" Claire says with a smile on her face.
"I'm excited to see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into ahahaha" Jin says as the others laugh and smile along with him.

.....The end....
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